
Detect and use light and gyroscope sensors in Android

Karan Balkar
Hello everyone! Sensors play a vital role in any electronic device and more importantly help in detecting or measuring a physical property. Nowadays, Android phones come equipped with a range of sensors including light, pressure, temperature, gyroscope, proximity etc. Developers need to build applications using the functionality of these sensors. For that purpose, one needs to learn how to detect and implement the corresponding sensor functionality. Through this post, we will understand how to detect and use the Light and Gyroscope sensors in Android.

Using Proximity Sensor in Android

Karan Balkar
Hello everyone! The term proximity is basically the fact, condition or position of being near or close by in space. A proximity sensor is a device capable of detecting presence of nearby objects without any physical contact. Some of the Android phones in the market today come equipped with a proximity sensor. Through this post, we will learn how to use a proximity sensor in Android. As mentioned in the developer's guide, the Android platform provides a sensor that lets you determine how close the face of a device is to an object (known as the proximity sensor).