
Using Threejs to Display 3D Model

Karan Balkar
Hi everyone! Three.js is a popular JavaScript library used to display 3D graphics in a web browser using WebGL. It is especially useful when developing AR/VR based applications. A simple implementation could involve rendering a 3D model on the browser. Three.js provides a base class Loader through which developers can load 3D models depending upon the type of the model. The .obj file format is one of the most common formats for 3D models.

Using Redux in React Applications

Karan Balkar
Hello everyone, State management is one of the key concepts when it comes to developing applications using React. Redux is one of the popular state management solutions out there that works on the principle of storing the entire state of the application in a single central store. This makes it possible for all components to access the central store and removes the need to pass parameters and props between components. The concept is also referred to as the

Execute batch file using Oracle Job Scheduler

Karan Balkar
Hey everyone! The Oracle database includes a built-in scheduler that allows scheduling functions and procedures that can be called from any PL/SQL program. The DBMS_SCHEDULER package introduced in Oracle 10g helps to create, run and monitor jobs. In addition, one can also define a job to execute a batch (.bat) file. In order to run an external job, you need to enable and start the OracleJobScheduler service on the database server.

Handling Screen Orientation Android

Karan Balkar
It is observed that when device configurations including screen orientation, keyboard availability etc change, Android restarts the current Activity. This is done to enable the application to adapt to the new configuration. In order to declare an Activity that handles configuration changes we must add the android:configChanges attribute with a value that represents the configuration we want to handle, in our AndroidManifest.xml file. There are basically two ways to handle screen orientation in Android.

Processing for Android

Karan Balkar
Hello everyone! The Processing language has now become a popular development tool for Android applications. It's latest version 2.0+ allows developers to create an Android application from scratch using the newly added Android mode. Processing supports many libraries including video, network, PDF export etc. Just as Android, Processing is also open source and can be downloaded for free. Through this post, I will demonstrate how to create an Android application using Processing!

Display list of installed apps on Android Device

Karan Balkar
Hey everyone! Android provides the PackageInfo class that contains information about the contents of a package. Sometimes, we need to obtain the list of applications installed on an Android device in order to determine whether our application was installed correctly or not. In this post, I will demonstrate how to obtain the list of all installed applications on your Android device. Since I would be obtaining information about an application, I would also be using the ApplicationInfo class.

Implement Spell Checker Android

Karan Balkar
Hi everyone! Spell check is of the most common programs used to identify words in a document that may not be spelled correctly. Today, one need not carry a dictionary to self spell check. The age of mobile technology has given rise to a number of applications that incorporate the spell checking functionality. Android offers developers a spelling checker framework. In order to implement the spell checking feature, developers need to make use of the SpellCheckerSessionListener interface.

Using Proximity Sensor in Android

Karan Balkar
Hello everyone! The term proximity is basically the fact, condition or position of being near or close by in space. A proximity sensor is a device capable of detecting presence of nearby objects without any physical contact. Some of the Android phones in the market today come equipped with a proximity sensor. Through this post, we will learn how to use a proximity sensor in Android. As mentioned in the developer's guide, the Android platform provides a sensor that lets you determine how close the face of a device is to an object (known as the proximity sensor).

Using Jsoup on Android

Karan Balkar
Hello everyone! As Android developers, we often need to call web services in order to fetch data from a server. We also need to parse the data for displaying it on the user interface. There are various parsers available that enable developers to retrieve data efficiently from a web service. JSoup is one such open source library that provides an API for extracting and manipulating data. Basically, it is an HTML parser used for working with various HTML elements, attributes etc.

Display list of WiFi Networks in Android

Karan Balkar
Hello everyone! Android provides the WiFiManager class for managing all aspects of WiFi connectivity. It is used to to define the names of various Intent actions that are broadcast upon any sort of change in WiFi state. Through this post, we will learn how to display a list of available WiFi networks to which an Android device can be connected. The list can be viewed and updated, and attributes of individual entries can be modified.