
Getting started with Svelte

Karan Balkar
Hey everyone! I recently started using Svelte and it's quite amazing. The good part about Svelte is that it is a compiler and has no additional framework dependencies. The only dependencies are the devDependencies, that's it. Hence, the result is a light-weight performant app with a significantly smaller bundle size (thanks to those rollup plugins). Moreover, Svelte ensures that everything happens during the compile or the build time rather than on the browser at runtime.

Detect and use light and gyroscope sensors in Android

Karan Balkar
Hello everyone! Sensors play a vital role in any electronic device and more importantly help in detecting or measuring a physical property. Nowadays, Android phones come equipped with a range of sensors including light, pressure, temperature, gyroscope, proximity etc. Developers need to build applications using the functionality of these sensors. For that purpose, one needs to learn how to detect and implement the corresponding sensor functionality. Through this post, we will understand how to detect and use the Light and Gyroscope sensors in Android.

Base64 encoding and decoding using Qt 5 framework

Karan Balkar
Hi everyone! In one of my previous posts, we had learnt how to configure and setup Qt for Windows. Base64 is basically a method using which we can encode binary data into a character set in order to transmit the data without any loss or modification of the contents. It is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation.

Sending Http Request Using Qt 5 framework

Karan Balkar
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) works as a request-response protocol between a client and server. A web browser may be the client, and an application on a computer that hosts a web site may be the server. For example, a client (browser) submits an HTTP request to the server and then the server returns a response to the client. The response contains status information about the request as well as the requested content.

Getting Started With Qt

Karan Balkar
Hi guys, Qt is a cross-platform application framework used extensively for developing non-GUI programs and consoles for servers. It is written in C++ and works on major platforms including Android, iOS, Windows and more recently Sailfish MeeGo Linux. There exists three versions of Qt available on each of these platforms, namely: GUI Framework – commercial entry level GUI edition, stripped of network and database support (formerly named “Desktop Light”) Full Framework – complete commercial edition Open Source – complete Open Source edition

Parsing JSON using Qt 5 framework

Karan Balkar
Hello friends! In one of my previous posts, we had seen how to send a HTTP request using Qt. The response we got then was a JSON string. JSON is a subset of the object literal notation of JavaScript. It is basically a lightweight data-interchange format making it easy for humans to read and write. A JSON is build on two structures namely, A collection of name/value pairs. In various languages, this is realized as an object, record, struct, dictionary, hash table, keyed list or associative array.

Zipping and unzipping files using Qt 5 framework

Karan Balkar
Hey everyone! Qt provides a QByteArray class that can be used to store raw bytes and traditional 8-bit terminated strings. Moreover, Qt also provides the QString class to store string data. QString is mainly used throughout the Qt API. Through this post, we will learn how to zip and unzip files using Qt. We will create a sample text file containing a message as follows, demo.txt This is a demo to zip and unzip files using Qt framework Pre-requisites: Qt Creator, MinGW compiler for Windows (64 bit)

Handling Screen Orientation Android

Karan Balkar
It is observed that when device configurations including screen orientation, keyboard availability etc change, Android restarts the current Activity. This is done to enable the application to adapt to the new configuration. In order to declare an Activity that handles configuration changes we must add the android:configChanges attribute with a value that represents the configuration we want to handle, in our AndroidManifest.xml file. There are basically two ways to handle screen orientation in Android.

Processing for Android

Karan Balkar
Hello everyone! The Processing language has now become a popular development tool for Android applications. It's latest version 2.0+ allows developers to create an Android application from scratch using the newly added Android mode. Processing supports many libraries including video, network, PDF export etc. Just as Android, Processing is also open source and can be downloaded for free. Through this post, I will demonstrate how to create an Android application using Processing!

Display list of installed apps on Android Device

Karan Balkar
Hey everyone! Android provides the PackageInfo class that contains information about the contents of a package. Sometimes, we need to obtain the list of applications installed on an Android device in order to determine whether our application was installed correctly or not. In this post, I will demonstrate how to obtain the list of all installed applications on your Android device. Since I would be obtaining information about an application, I would also be using the ApplicationInfo class.